Learning from the Inside Out: A National Learning Summit
Learning from the Inside Out was a national learning summit designed to help the U.S. public and policymakers understand the importance of an expanded learning landscape—one that equally values and supports public education in and out of school. The Institute for Learning Innovation played a leadership role in conceptualizing, coordinating, and facilitating all aspects this 2016 National Park Service and National Geographic Society-sponsored National Learning Summit. The invitational, two-day summit included over 200 policy makers and educators from all sectors of the education community and was designed as both a celebration and a call to action to the changing nature of learning in America. Critical themes were increasing the importance of free-choice learning and redefining the term “public education” to include all of the learning individuals engage in, across diverse settings over the course of their lives.
Project Team: John H. Falk Ph.D., Monae Verbeke Ph.D.