L.A. County Museum of Art Community Engagement Study
The L.A. County Museum of Art (LACMA) Community Engagement Studies were designed to help change who has access to learning over their lifetime. The Institute for Learning Innovation is working to support LACMA’s efforts to build on-going relationships and engagement with the diverse communities it serves, in particular within low income, minority communities of L.A. To accomplish this goal LACMA believes that it is essential to deepen relationships by moving beyond the physical confines of its own campus. As part of a larger strategy of engagement, LACMA will be developing arts site in a number of low income neighborhoods, including the South Park community. Research by the Institute was designed to support LACMA’s ability to meaningfully and successfully engage the community, encourage new audiences to visit both this satellite site as well as potentially the main museum, and ultimately, through these processes help to transform LACMA itself.
Project Team: John H. Falk Ph.D.