Book Club Registration Fee

Posted Feb 3, 2022

Donatiton to the Institute for Learning Innovation

Posted Nov 24, 2021

The 95 Percent Solution School is not where most Americans learn most of their science

Posted Aug 19, 2021

Serious Fun: Viewing Hobbyist Activities through a Learning Lens

Posted Aug 19, 2021

Expanding the Boundaries of Informal Education Programs:An Investigation of the Role of Pre and Post-education Program Experiences and Dispositions on Youth STEM Learning

Posted Aug 19, 2021

Informal Science Education: Lifelong, Life-Wide, Life Deep

Posted Aug 19, 2021

Travel and Learning: A Neglected Tourism Research Area

Posted Aug 19, 2021

Registration – Frameworks for Guiding Institutional Change and Developing Positive Dialogue

Posted Jul 8, 2021

EVENT REGISTRATION Frameworks for Guiding Institutional Change and Developing Positive Dialogue Session 1 – Monday, September, 27, 2021, 1:00 PM EST (10:00 AM PST) Session 2 – Wednesday, September 29, 2021, 1:00 PM EST (10:00 AM PST) Join FLAME for a two-part workshop on Frameworks for Guiding Institutional Change and Developing Positive Dialogue led by Braden Paytner,… (Read more)

Portal to the Public Implementation Manual – Full Document

Posted Jan 30, 2020

Purchase the complete Portal to the Public Implementation Manual and Catalog of Professional Development Elements. This purchase includes a digital download of the introduction and seven main chapters of the Implementation Manual, Catalog of Professional Development Elements, and Appendices of helpful materials such as planning documents, evaluation instruments, program outlines, and other sample materials. 

Portal to the Public Implementation Manual – Introduction

Posted Jan 30, 2020

Portal to the Public – Catalog of Professional Development Elements

Posted Jan 30, 2020

The Catalog of Professional Development Elements is a practical guide to creating and facilitating professional development experiences for scientists. The Catalog includes detailed activity plans for 27 “professional development elements:” activities that prepare scientists for effective communication in informal learning environments. The 27 elements are split into four main categories: How People Learn, Activity and… (Read more)

Portal to the Public Implementation Manual – Chapter 7: Case Studies

Posted Jan 30, 2020

This chapter showcases the journeys of three organizations using Portal to the Public. Each case study illustrates how an organization has applied the Portal to the Public framework to support their organization’s unique goals, grown their efforts over time, and responded to opportunities and challenges that have surfaced. 

Portal to the Public Implementation Manual – Chapter 6: Organizational Sustainability

Posted Jan 30, 2020

Planning for sustainability requires consideration of three, interrelated dimensions: attitudinal, programmatic, and financial. A focus on these three dimensions, along with thoughtful evaluation of a program’s real impacts, creates a strong basis for a durable, lasting project.

Portal to the Public Implementation Manual – Chapter 5: Public Programs

Posted Jan 30, 2020

For public audiences, Portal to the Public programs and events provide an opportunity to meet the scientists working in their communities. For scientists, access to thoughtfully structured and carefully organized events can have a significant impact on rates of participation and feelings of success in conducting outreach.

Portal to the Public Implementation Manual – Chapter 4: Professional Development

Posted Jan 30, 2020

Portal to the Public professional development prepares scientists to engage in face-to-face interactions with public audiences about their own scientific work. This chapter introduces the philosophy and style of the professional development activities (“elements”) outlined in the Catalog of Professional Development Elements, purchased separately. 

Portal to the Public Implementation Manual – Chapter 3: Partnership and Relationship Building

Posted Jan 30, 2020

Identifying partners and building relationships can take time, but strong partnerships are a critical foundation for all Portal to the Public efforts. By working to understand a partner’s motivations and needs, you can design a program that is both appealing and rewarding to potential participants. 

Portal to the Public – Chapter 2: Conceptual Planning

Posted Jan 30, 2020

Conceptual planning allows you to think through and develop an actionable plan for your organization’s unique Portal to the Public project. 

Portal to the Public Implementation Manual – Chapter 1: The Guiding Framework

Posted Jan 30, 2020

The Portal to the Public guiding framework is the structured set of concepts from which your organization will develop its own unique project to bring scientists and public audiences together for face-to-face interactions. 

The contribution of science-rich resources to public science interest

Posted Oct 29, 2019

John H. Falk , Scott Pattison , David Meier , David Bibas , Kathleen Livingston

The Contributions Made by Five Science Education Resources to Youth’s Interest in Science

Posted Oct 29, 2019

John H. Falk Ph.D

Viewing Art Museum Visitors Through The Lens Of Identity

Posted Oct 29, 2019

John H. Falk, Ph.D

Travel and Learning: A Neglected Tourism Research Area

Posted Oct 29, 2019

John H. Falk Ph.D

Serious Fun: Viewing Hobbyist Activities through a Learning Lens

Posted Oct 29, 2019

John H. Falk, Ph.D

Partnering for Equitable STEM Pathways for Youth Underrepresented in STEM (YeSTEM)

Posted Oct 29, 2019

Elysa Corin Ph.D

Using Communities-of-Practice to Support Informal Educators’ Professional Development

Posted Oct 29, 2019

Cathlyn Stylinski, Joe Heimlich, Sasha Palmquist

Towards a 21ST Century Approach to Science Education Policy

Posted Oct 29, 2019

John H. Falk Ph.D

Science Hobbyists: Active Users of the Science-Learning Ecosystem

Posted Oct 29, 2019

Elysa Corin, Ph.D.

Museum Audiences: A Visitor-Centered Perspective

Posted Oct 29, 2019

John H. Falk Ph.D

​Multi-Institution Science Center Impact Study (MISCIS)

Posted Oct 29, 2019

David D. Meier M.S, John. H. Falk Ph.D., Scott Pattison, Ph.D

Investigating the cascading, long term effects of informal science education experiences report

Posted Oct 29, 2019

John H. Falk Ph.D, Judith Koke MMst, C. Aaron Price, Scott Pattison Ph.D

Impacts of a comprehensive public engagement training and support program on scientists’ outreach attitudes and practices

Posted Oct 29, 2019

Cathlyn Stylinski, Martin Storksdieck, Nicolette Canzonri, Eve Klein, Anna Johnson

Conventionality in Family Conversations About Everyday Objects

Posted Oct 29, 2019

Maureen A. Callanan, Deborah R. Siegel, Megan R. Luce

Final Evaluation Report: of the The Integration of Science Centres with Natural History Museums for Imparting Informal Education International Conference

Posted Oct 29, 2019

Judith Koke, MMst

Correlating Science Center Use With Adult Science Literacy: An International, Cross-Institutional Study

Posted Oct 29, 2019

John H. Falk Ph.D., Lynn Dierking Ph.D

Characteristics of Lifelong Science Learners: An Investigation of STEM Hobbyists

Posted Oct 29, 2019

Elysa Corin Ph.D